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Exhibition cube on the Hallmarkt in Halle (Saale)

Due to the pandemic, a traditional citizens’ fair with participation of the federal states (Länder) and the federal constitutional organs could not take place; instead, exhibition cubes were placed throughout the entire city of Halle (Saale). The Federal Government, the Bundestag, the Bundesrat and the Federal Constitutional Court shared the Hallmarkt to present the “Plaza of the federal constitutional organs”.

The Federal Constitutional Court’s cube provided a look into the Federal Constitutional Court’s court room and presented the original red robes of the Justices as a light installation. Complementing the art installation “Input/output”, video statements provided by the Justices and other staff of the Federal Constitutional Court and other film presentations provided insight into the Court’s work.

The Unity Expo was opened by Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister-President Dr. Reiner Haseloff accompanied by Halle’s Mayor Egbert Geier.

You can find further information on the website website of the Day of German Unity.

Bild 1 Halle Bild 1 Halle

Bild 1 Halle Bild 1 Halle

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