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Income of the Justices of the Federal Constitutional Court

from non-judicial activities (no. II 9 of the Code of Conduct) in 2023.

The amount of income stated is based on gross remuneration. Income up to EUR 1,000 is rounded up to the nearest hundred. Income above EUR 1,000 is rounded up to the nearest thousand. Own expenses, occupational expenses and other expenses of any kind are not taken into account. The amount of income stated does not represent taxable income.

Publications (incl. copyright fees - VG Wort)LecturesParticipation in conferences etc.
President Prof. Dr. Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale)4,000 €./../.
Vice-President Prof. Dr. König300 €./.8,000 €
Justice Dr. Maidowski./../../.
Justice Prof. Dr. Langenfeld3,000 €./../.
Justice Dr. Ott900 €./../.
Justice Dr. Christ2,000 €./../.
Justice Prof. Dr. Radtke17,000 €./../.
Justice Prof. Dr. Wallrabenstein2,000 €./../.
Justice Prof. Dr. Härtel2,000 €./../.
Justice Prof. Dr. Wolff28,000 €./../.
Justice Dr. Fetzer7,000 €./../.
Justice Offenloch2,000 €2,000 €200 €
Justice Prof. Dr. Eifert4,000 €./../.
Justice Dr. Messling30,000 €./../.
Justice Dr. Frank./../../.
Justice Dr. Wöckel./../../.

The income obtained in 2018 is also available for download.
The income obtained in 2019 is also available for download.
The income obtained in 2020 is also available for download.
The income obtained in 2021 is also available for download.
The income obtained in 2022 is also available for download.