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Dr. Peter Frank

Portrait of Dr. Peter Frank

Justice of the Second Senate

Born in Lauda in 1968

married, three children

1987-1992Studied law in Würzburg and Munich
1992First State Examination in Law
1992-1994Legal traineeship in the district of the Bamberg Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht)
1994Second State Examination in Law
1992-1995Research assistant at the Chair of Criminology and Criminal Law at Julius Maximilian University (Würzburg), Prof. Dr. Ellen Schlüchter
1995Dr. iur., Julius Maximilian University (Würzburg); Doctoral thesis: “Die Verwertbarkeit rechtswidriger Tonbandaufnahmen Privater. Überlegungen zu einem einheitlichen Schutz des Rechts am gesprochenen Wort im Straf- und Strafverfahrensrecht.” (“Admissibility of illegal audio recordings of private persons. Considerations on a standardised legal protection of the spoken word in criminal law and criminal procedure.”)
1995-1997Judicial policy officer at the Bavarian State Justice Ministry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz)
1997-1998Public prosecutor at the Munich I public prosecution office (Staatsanwaltschaft)
1998-1999Head of the Legal Policy Division as representative of the Free State of Bavaria to the Federation, Managing Director of the Standing Treaty Commission of the Länder, Bavarian State Chancellery
1999-2004Head of the Minister’s Office at the Bavarian State Justice Ministry
2005-2006Judge at the Munich I Regional Court (Landgericht)
2006-2007Head of a division in the Personnel Department of the Bavarian State Justice Ministry
2007-2009Head of the Division of Parliamentary and Cabinet Matters and Parliamentary Liaison Officer of the Landtag (state parliament) at the Bavarian State Justice and Consumer Protection Ministry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz)
2009-2010Head of the Minister’s Office at the Bavarian State Justice and Consumer Protection Ministry
2010-2011Judge at the Munich Higher Regional Court
2011-2014Head of several divisions in the Personnel Department of the Bavarian State Justice Ministry
2014-2015Head of the Personnel Department of the Bavarian State Justice Ministry
2015Attorney General at the Munich Public Prosecutor General’s Office (Generalstaatsanwaltschaft)
2015-2023Federal Public Prosecutor General at the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) in Karlsruhe
since December 2023Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court