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Dr. Rhona Fetzer

Portrait of Dr. Rhona Fetzer

Justice of the Second Senate

Born in Reutlingen in 1963

1983-1986Basic studies in the framework of the Alternative Legal Training Course (einstufige Juristenausbildung) at the University of Konstanz
1986Preliminary exams (Zwischenprüfung) of the Alternative Legal Training Course
1986-1988Legal internship (equivalent to legal traineeship) at Ravensburg and Konstanz Regional Court districts
1988-1989Advanced studies in the framework of the Alternative Legal Training Course with a particular focus on ‘Administration and finance’
1989Final exams of the Alternative Legal Training Course
1989-1992Freelancer for a law firm in Konstanz
1992Joined the Higher Judicial Service of the Land Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Baden Public Prosecution Office, Baden-Baden Regional Court, Achern and Rastatt Local Courts)
1993Dr. iur. (University of Konstanz); doctoral thesis: “Die Haftung des Staates für legislatives Unrecht” (“State liability for legislative injustices”); supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurer
1995Appointed judge at the Baden-Baden Regional Court (Landgericht)
1999-2002Seconded to the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) as a judicial clerk
2002-2003Seconded to the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht)
2003Appointed presiding judge at the Karlsruhe Regional Court
2008-2009Judge at the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court
2004-2009Member of the Baden-Württemberg Disciplinary Tribunal for Judges (Richterdienstgerichtshof)
2009Appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice
2010-January 2023Ad hoc judge at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
2012-2021Deputy judge assisting the President (Präsidialrichterin) at the Federal Court of Justice
2022Appointed presiding judge at the Federal Court of Justice
since January 2023Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court