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Inaugural Visit of the Federal Minister of Justice to the Federal Constitutional Court

Press Release No. 67/2019 of 11 October 2019

On 10 October 2019, the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Christine Lambrecht, accompanied by State Secretary Dr. Margaretha Sudhof, visited the Federal Constitutional Court upon invitation by its President Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Andreas Voßkuhle. Following an exchange of ideas with the President and with Vice-President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M., the Minister met with other Justices of the Federal Constitutional Court.

Inaugural Visit of the Federal Minister of Justice to the Federal Constitutional Court Inaugural Visit of the Federal Minister of Justice to the Federal Constitutional CourtInaugural Visit of the Federal Minister of Justice to the Federal Constitutional Court
Source: © Bundesverfassungsgericht, Gustavo Alabiso

Back row (from left): Justice Dr. Josef Christ, Justice Prof. Dr. Gabriele Britz, Justice Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber

Fourth row (from left): Justice Dr. Ulrich Maidowski, Justice Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld, Justice Prof. Dr. Susanne Baer, LL.M.

Third row (from left): Justice Prof. Dr. Doris König, State Secretary Dr. Margaretha Sudhof, Justice Dr. Yvonne Ott

Second row (from left): Justice Dr. Sibylle Kessal-Wulf, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M.

First row (from left): Justice Prof. Dr. Johannes Masing, Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection Christine Lambrecht, President Prof. Dr. Dres. h. c. Andreas Voßkuhle