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Measures to maintain the proper functioning of the Federal Constitutional Court

Press Release No. 19a/2020 of 19 March 2020

The Federal Constitutional Court remains fully functional in spite of various restrictions due to the coronavirus. As a precaution against potential cases of illness or quarantine, an alternating two-shift system that ensures the continued functioning of the Court will be introduced in all areas of work from 19 March 2020 onwards. Additionally, external contact and the presence of staff at the Court remain restricted to a minimum. Oral hearings and pronouncements of judgments will not take place – except in urgent matters that cannot be postponed. The Court has also cancelled all trips to and visits from foreign courts until at least the end of April. The same applies to visitor groups. The Court building will remain closed to the public. The handling of cases by the Chambers, in particular preliminary injunction proceedings, will be maintained – particularly by means of IT equipment allowing the Justices to work from home. The Court’s Press Office will continue to operate. However, it should be expected that the handling of media enquiries will be restricted in scope and may be subject to delay.