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Federal Constitutional Court at the “Unity Expo 30 years – 30 days – 30 x Germany” in Potsdam from 5 September to 4 October 2020

Press Release No. 83/2020 of 01 September 2020

To mark the Day of German Unity, the “Unity Expo 30 years – 30 days – 30 x Germany” will take place in Potsdam from 5 September to 4 October 2020. The German Länder and the constitutional organs will set up displays and installations as part of a spacious 30-day exhibition within the city of Potsdam. The Federal Constitutional Court will present itself with a multimedia exhibition in a glass cube on Luisenplatz.

Please use the following link to access the Federal Constitutional Court’s online presence for the 2020 Day of German Unity:
