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Additional information on the oral hearing of the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court on Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 12:00 a.m. (not 10:00 am, as previously announced)

Press Release No. 84/2020 of 11 September 2020

Reference: 2 BvE 4/16

As previously announced by the Federal Constitutional Court (see Press Release No. 70/2020 of 7 August 2020), the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court will conduct an oral hearing in proceedings concerning the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement – CETA). The proceedings and the oral hearing solely concern the application for Organstreit proceedings filed by the parliamentary group in the German Bundestag DIE LINKE, which claims that the Bundestag violated the Basic Law by adopting the position paper of 22 September 2016 (cf. Bundestag document 18/9663) in relation to CETA.

The constitutional complaints of numerous complainants and an application for Organstreit proceedings (2 BvE 3/16) that concerns the signing, the provisional application and the conclusion of CETA are not at issue in these proceedings and thus not part of the oral hearing. The Federal Constitutional Court will decide on these complaints and this application in separate proceedings.