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Update of the Federal Constitutional Court’s information videos - Accessible formats of the video “Structure and daily work” in German

Press Release No. 2/2021 of 14 January 2021

The German and English versions of the Federal Constitutional Court’s information videos “Structure and daily work”, “History” and “Landmark decisions” have been updated. The video “Structure and daily work” now has new sound bites, new footage from the deliberations and the courtroom and a new soundtrack. The video contains new statements by the Court’s President, Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M., its Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Doris König, and Justice Dr. Yvonne Ott.

In German, the video “Structure and daily work” is now available in a version with subtitles and in a version with audio description.

All information videos are available on the Federal Constitutional Court’s website at:

https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/DE/Service/Infothek/Filme/filme_node.html (German)

https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/EN/Service/Infothek/Filme/filme_node.html (English)