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Federal Constitutional Court takes part in the XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Press Release No. 17/2021 of 26 February 2021

The XVIIIth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts took place on 25 February 2021. The Federal Constitutional Court was one of the founders of the conference almost fifty years ago. At this year’s congress, which was held online due to the pandemic, the Federal Constitutional Court was represented by its President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M., its Vice-President Prof. Dr. Doris König, and its members Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld and Prof. Dr. Henning Radtke. The President of the Federal Constitutional Court gave one of the lectures. Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld and Prof. Dr. Henning Radtke had prepared a national report on the subject of the congress “Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms: the Relationship of International, Supranational and National Catalogues in the 21st Century”. The congress was organised by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, which currently chairs the conference.