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70 days until the Federal Constitutional Court’s 70th birthday

Press Release No. 60/2021 of 19 July 2021

The Federal Constitutional Court will be celebrating its 70th birthday on 28 September 2021 –exactly 70 days from today.

To mark this anniversary, we want to give people a closer look at the Federal Constitutional Court. With exhibition cubes open to the public on the market square in Karlsruhe and at the “Unification Expo” in Halle and with an online version – that can be explored from home or the classroom – we are inviting people throughout Germany to come and find out more.
Despite the pandemic, the Federal Constitutional Court wants to celebrate its birthday by engaging with as many people as possible. In Karlsruhe, the Court’s history will be presented by displaying the names of key decisions from the last 70 years in LED lettering on the Court’s building. In addition, we are making use of digital formats – for example, new films have been produced on the history and inner workings of the Court. Furthermore, we are going to launch the Instagram account bundesverfassungsgericht.
The Court is also reaching out to schools – as part of a school competition in collaboration with the Federal Agency for Political Education – and is participating in the nationwide WE IS PLURAL competition highlighting grassroots democracy projects. Last but not least, Justices of the Federal Constitutional Court give online talks on subjects including human dignity, online hate speech, asylum law and Europe.
Detailed information on all the projects will be available on our website.