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70th anniversary of the Federal Constitutional Court: Exhibition cube on Karlsruhe’s market square and LED lettering on the Court building

Press Release No. 82/2021 of 17 September 2021

To mark its 70th anniversary, the Federal Constitutional Court will present its work in a glass cube on the market square in the city centre of Karlsruhe from 19 September to 3 October 2021. The cube will be officially opened on Sunday, 19 September 2021 at 4:30 p.m. by the Court’s President, Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M (Yale), its Vice-President, Prof. Dr. Doris König, and the Mayor of Karlsruhe, Dr. Frank Mentrup.

In addition to an installation with the Justices’ scarlet robes, the cube will feature video statements given by the Justices and staff members of the Federal Constitutional Court and other video presentations to provide insight into the Court’s work. 

While the cube is installed on the market square, the balcony of the courtroom building will be adorned with LED lettering. Running day and night, the LED installation will display the most important dates and decisions of the past 70 years. 

You can find these and other projects launched by the Federal Constitutional Court to mark its 70th anniversary on our website.