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Federal Constitutional Court takes part in the UnityEXPO on “Shaping our future together” in Halle/Saale from 18 September to 3 October 2021

Press Release No. 83/2021 of 17 September 2021

To mark the Day of German Unity, the UnityEXPO with the theme “Shaping our future together” will take place in the city of Halle/Saale from 18 September to 3 October 2021. The German Länder and the constitutional organs will set up displays and installations as part of a spacious exhibition within the city of Halle. The Federal Constitutional Court will present a multimedia exhibition in a glass cube at Hallmarkt square.

The Federal Constitutional Court’s cube will showcase the courtroom and present real Justices’ robes in a light installation. In addition to the “Input/Output” art installation, video statements given by the Justices and staff members of the Federal Constitutional Court and other video presentations will provide insight into the Court’s work. 

The UnityEXPO will be officially opened at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, 18 September by the Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. Reiner Haseloff, together with the Deputy Mayor of Halle, Egbert Geier. 

Please use the following link to access the Federal Constitutional Court’s online content in relation to the 2021 Day of German Unity: 
