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Delegation from the Portuguese Constitutional Court visits the Federal Constitutional Court

Press Release No. 91/2021 of 20 October 2021

A delegation from the Portuguese Constitutional Court, headed by its President Prof. Dr. João Pedro Barrosa Caupers, visited the Federal Constitutional Court on 18 and 19 October 2021. The visitors were welcomed by President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale), and Vice-President Prof. Dr. Doris König, as well as by other Justices of the Federal Constitutional Court. The topics discussed in the working sessions included the decisions of both courts on assisted suicide, the internal division of competences within the European Union, and the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision on climate change. The visit also provided an opportunity for both courts to share general experiences.

Delegation from the Portuguese Constitutional Court visits the Federal Constitutional Court Delegation from the Portuguese Constitutional Court visits the Federal Constitutional Court
Source: © Bundesverfassungsgericht, Gustavo Alàbiso

3rd row, left to right: Dr. Adriana Correia Oliveira (Office of the President), Federal Constitutional Court Justice Prof. Dr. Astrid Wallrabenstein, Federal Constitutional Court Justice Dr. Yvonne Ott, Federal Constitutional Court Justice Dr. Josef Christ, Federal Constitutional Court Justice Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber 

2nd row, left to right: Prof. Dr. Gonçalo Manoel de Vilhena de Almeida Ribeiro (Member of the Portuguese Constitutional Court), Federal Constitutional Court Justice Dr. Sibylle Kessal-Wulf, Prof. Dr. Mariana Rodrigues Canotilho (Member of the Portuguese Constitutional Court), Prof. Dr. José João Abrantes (Member of the Portuguese Constitutional Court), Federal Constitutional Court Justice Monika Hermanns

1st row, left to right: Prof. Dr. Pedro Manuel Pena Chancerelle de Machete (Vice-President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court), President of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale), Prof. Dr. João Pedro Barrosa Caupers (President of the Portuguese Constitutional Court), Vice-President of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Doris König.