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Federal Constitutional Court publishes thematic collection of leading cases on the general right of personality in English translation

Press Release No. 66/2022 of 02 August 2022

The sixth volume of the English-language series Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court – curated and edited by the Court – is now available. Structured and contextualised around key themes of fundamental rights protection, this book presents the Court’s case-law on the general right of personality in English translation.

By translating selected decisions into English, the Court seeks to contribute to the constitutional dialogue within the multi-level cooperation of European courts and the international community. Thematic collections of such translations, published as Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, offer systematic access to distinct lines of case-law.

The most recent volume of this series is dedicated to one of the cornerstones of German fundamental rights architecture: the general right of personality. Following introductory remarks by Justices of the Court, it presents 45 leading cases that map the constitutional protection of self-determination, identity and privacy from the early foundations to recent decisions on the right to be forgotten, assisted suicide and the state’s surveillance powers abroad.

For further information, please visit the website of the publisher.