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Visit to Chile and Peru

Press Release No. 77/2022 of 29 September 2022

The President of the Federal Constitutional Court, Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale), and Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber visited Chile and Peru from 21 to 26 September 2022. Their programme included taking part in the 27th Annual Meeting of the Latin American Constitutional Courts and Constitutional Chambers in Santiago de Chile, where President Harbarth gave the keynote speech on “National and regional fundamental rights protection in Latin America and Europe: The Federal Constitutional Court’s case-law on fundamental rights protection in the European multi-level system”. Their schedule also included a meeting with the President of the Constitutional Tribunal of Peru, Prof. Dr. Francisco Morales Saravia, and other members of the Constitutional Tribunal in Lima.