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Delegation from the Supreme Court of Ireland visits the Federal Constitutional Court

Press Release No. 99/2022 of 01 December 2022

A delegation from the Supreme Court of Ireland, headed by Chief Justice Donal O’Donnell, visited the Federal Constitutional Court on 28 and 29 November 2022. The guests were received by President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Doris König and other members of the Federal Constitutional Court. The topics addressed in the working sessions included freedom of expression and questions of constitutional law within the European Union.

Delegation from the Supreme Court of Ireland visits the Federal Constitutional Court Delegation from the Supreme Court of Ireland visits the Federal Constitutional Court
Source: © Bundesverfassungsgericht │ Gustavo Alàbiso

Back row (left to right): Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Christine Langenfeld, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Ines Härtel, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Dr. Sybille Kessal-Wulf, the Hon. Mr. Justice Gerard Hogan, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Henning Radtke, the Hon. Mr. Justice Brian Murray, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Dr. Yvonne Ott, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Astrid Wallrabenstein, the Hon. Ms. Justice Marie Baker, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Gabriele Britz, Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Heinrich Amadeus Wolff.

Front row (left to right): Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber, the Hon. Ms. Justice Elizabeth Dunne, President of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, the Hon. Mr. Justice Donal O’Donnell, Chief Justice of Ireland, Vice-President of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. Doris König, the Hon. Ms. Justice Iseult O’Malley.