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Modern, independent and close to the people – a new design for the Federal Constitutional Court

Press Release No. 28/2023 of 03 March 2023

The Federal Constitutional Court is a citizens’ court and – as reflected in the continuously high volume of constitutional complaints lodged by citizens – is viewed as such by the public. The Court depends upon the high rate of acceptance of its decisions by the people. To further facilitate connections between the public and the Court, including its decisions and other activities, the Court is implementing several changes this year. As a first step starting in the beginning of March, the Federal Constitutional Court will use a new corporate design for its decisions and its external correspondence. It features a modern, clear and easy-to-read typeface and a newly designed eagle as an emblem. The new corporate design will serve to prepare for the relaunch of the Federal Constitutional Court’s website planned for the end of this year and will make it possible to present information about the Court and its decisions online in a manner that improves accessibility. This will help bring the Court’s work even closer to the people.