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Participation of the Federal Constitutional Court in the XIX Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Press Release No. 47/2024 of 24 May 2024

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova hosted the XIX Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts in Chișinău from 21 to 23 May 2024. The Conference was founded over 50 years ago, with the Federal Constitutional Court as one of the co-founders. This year, the Court was represented by a delegation headed by President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale). The general topic of the Congress was ‘The forms and limits of judicial deference: the experience of the constitutional courts’. The plenary sessions dealt with the interaction between constitutional courts and supranational courts, the relationship between law and politics within the jurisdiction of the constitutional courts, and the safeguarding of constitutional principles during the state of emergency.