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Meeting of the German-language constitutional courts, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights in Luxembourg

Press Release No. 73/2024 of 10 September 2024

On 8 and 9 September 2024, a delegation from the Federal Constitutional Court headed by President Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, LL.M. (Yale), and Vice-President Prof. Dr. Doris König took part in a meeting of the German-language constitutional courts of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. Such meetings take place every two years. This year’s meeting was organised by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg and chaired by its President, Prof. Dr. Koen Lenaerts, LL.M., MPA (Harvard). The meeting welcomed the Constitutional Court of Luxembourg as an additional guest. Participants included the President of the Constitutional Court of Austria, Univ. Prof. DDr. Dr. h. c. Christoph Grabenwarter, the Vice-President of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, Dr. François Chaix, the President of the Constitutional Court of Liechtenstein, Dr. Hilmar Hoch, LL.M. (Harvard), the Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights, Univ. Prof. Dr. Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer, and the President of the Constitutional Court of Luxembourg, Mr Thierry Hoscheit. The Justices discussed the question ‘The transformation of social realities and the tension between traditional values and protection against discrimination – which role do the constitutional courts play in managing this change?’. Other topics addressed in the working sessions were ‘The role of the constitutional courts with regard to the legislator’s budgetary responsibility in the Member States of the European Union’ and ‘Courts, democracy and the separation of powers’.